Thursday, December 19, 2019

Transformational Leadership An Influential Model Of...

Transformational leadership is an influential model of leadership style that includes four key behaviors: (1) influence through a vision, (2) motivating through inspiration, (3) stimulating the intellect of subordinates, and (4) individualized consideration. Transactional leadership is built on reciprocity and includes four behavioral elements: (1) making rewards contingent on performance, (2) correcting problems actively when performance goes wrong, (3) refraining from interruptions of performance if it meets standards, and (4) a laissez-fair (let alone) approach to organizational change. (Burns, Bradley, Weiner, 2012, pp. 38-39) Both models are considered contemporary styles and are designed to address today’s need for leadership to†¦show more content†¦Such an example would be a recent â€Å"Code Black† situation that occurred across EMHS when the entire healthcare system lost computer network capabilities for several hours. Because the network failure r esulted in the inability to use the electronic medical record, email and all internet-related functions, an incident command structure was established and a single incident commander was assigned to direct activities related to patient care and network systems recovery. The leadership in this event was transactional in that tasks were assigned in a clear and concise manner, they were responded to or completed by subordinates, and appropriate rewards and recognition (which in this case were quick thank you’s) were provided throughout the course of the day. There was no time, nor was it appropriate given the circumstance for leaders to use inspirational messages to motivate staff which may have been interpreted in various ways across different followers. Transformational leaders influence subordinates through inspiration, storytelling, and relationship building. According to Bernard Bass one of the early developers of transformational leadership theory, transformational leadership is a form of leadership that occurs when leaders â€Å"broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and the mission of the group, and when

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